1. Bellman, R., Dynamic Programming, Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1957.
2. Dreyfus, S.E., Dynamic Programming and Calculus of Variations, New York: Academic, 1965.
3. Chernous’ko, F.L. and Kolmanovskii, V.B., Optimal’noe upravlenie pri sluchainykh vozmuchsheniyak (Optimal Control at Random Perturbations), Moscow: Nauka, 1978.
4. Fleming, W.H and Rishel, R.W., Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1975. Translated under the title Optimal’noe upravlenie determinirovannymi i stokhasticheskimi sistemami, Moscow: Mir, 1978.
5. Stengel, R.F., Stochastic Optimal Control, Theory and Application, New York: Wiley, 1986.