1. Yakubovich, V.A., Solution of some Matrix Inequalities Met in the Automatic Control Theory, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 143, no. 6, pp. 1304–1307.
2. Gantmakher, F.R. and Yakubovich, V.A., Absolute Stability of the Nonlinear Controlled Systems, Tr. 2 Vsesoyuz. s”ezda po teor. i prikl. mekhan. (Proc. II All-Union Conf. Theor. Appl. Mechanics), Moscow: Nauka, 1965.
3. Yakubovich, V.A., On Design of Optimal Controls in the Linear Differential Game with Quadratic Payment Functional, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1970, vol. 195, no. 2, pp. 296–299.
4. Yakubovich, V.A., On Design of Optimal Controls in the Linear Differential Game over the Finite Time Interval with Quadratic Payment Functional, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1971, vol. 200, no. 3, pp. 548–551.
5. Yakubovich, V.A., S-procedure in the Nonlinear Control Theory, Vestn. Leningr. Gos. Univ., Mat., Mech., Astron., 1971, no. 1, pp. 62–77.