1. Gnedenko, B.V. and Kovalenko, I.N., Vvedenie v teoriyu massovogo obsluzhivaniya (Introduction to Queueing Theory), Moscow: KomKniga, 2005, 3rd ed.
2. Nazarov, A.A. and Terpugov, A.F., Teoriya massovogo obsluzhivaniya (Queueing Theory), Tomsk: NTL, 2004.
3. Saaty, T.L., Elements of Queueing Theory, with Applications, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961. Translated under the title Elementy teorii massovogo obsluzhivaniya i ee primeneniya, Moscow: Sovetskoe Radio, 1971.
4. Lopukhova, S.V. and Nazarov, A.A., Studying a MAP Stream with Asymptotic Analysis of the Nth Order, Vestnik TGU, Ser.: Informat. Kibern. Mat., 2006, no. 293, pp. 110–115.
5. Nazarov, A.A. and Kulikova, O.A., Studying Infinite-Dimensional Queueing Systems with the Sieved Stream Method, in Massovoe obsluzhivanie. Potoki, sistemy, seti. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Matematicheskie metody povysheniya effektivnosti funktsionirovaniya telekommunikatsionnykh setei” (Queueing Systems. Streams, Systems, Networks. Proc. Int. Conf. “Mathematical Methods for Increasing the Operation Efficiency of Telecommunication Networks”), Minsk: BGU, 2005, pp. 98–102.