1. Andreev, Yu.N., Upravlenie konechnomernymi lineinymi ob”ektami (Control over Finite-Dimensional Linear Objects), Moscow: Nauka, 1976.
2. Kwakernaak, H. and Sivan, R., Linear Optimal Control Systems, New York: Wiley, 1972. Translated under the title Lineinye optimal’nye sistemy upravleniya, Moscow: Mir, 1977.
3. Wonham, W.M., Linear Multivariable Control: A Geometric Approach, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1979. Translated under the title Lineinye mnogomernye sistemy upravleniya. Geometricheskii podkhod, Moscow: Nauka, 1980.
4. Andrievskii, B.R. and Fradkov, A.L., Izbrannye glavy teorii avtomaticheskogo upravleniya s primerami na yazyke MATLAB (Selected Chapters of Automated Control Theory with Examples in MATLAB), St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2000.
5. Kuzovkov, N.T., Modal’noe upravlenie i nablyudayushchie ustroistva (Modal Control and Surveillance Devices), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1976.