1. Cesari, L., Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1959. Translated under the title Asimptoticheskoe povedenie i ustoichivost’ reshenii obyknovennykh differentsial’nykh uravnenii, Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 1964.
2. Demidovich, B.P., Lektsii po teorii ustoichivosti (Lectures of Theory of Stability), Moscow: Nauka, 1967.
3. Bellman, R.E., Stability Theory of Differential Equations, New York: Dover, 1953. Translated under the title Teoriya ustoichivosti differentsial’nykh uravnenii, Moscow: Inostrannaya Literatura, 1954.
4. Magnus, W., On the Exponential Solution of Differential Equations for a Linear Operator, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 1954, vol. VII, pp. 649–673.
5. Serre, J.-P., Lie Algebras and Lie Groups: 1964 Lectures given at Harvard University, New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1965. Translated under the title Algebry Li i gruppy Li, Moscow: Mir, 1969.