1. D. Asonov, M. Krylov, V. Omelyusik, A. Ryabikina, E. Litvinov, M. Mitrofanov, M. Mikhailov, and A. Efimov, “Building a second-opinion tool for classical polygraph” (2022). Under review at Scientific Reports, Nature.
2. Truth vs Lies, Special issue of Scientific American (2022).
3. “True story? Lie detection systems go high-tech,” BBC (2022).
4. “Lie detectors have been unreliable for over a century but more Britons are being subjected to polygraph tests” (2022). iNews.co.uk
5. “Will your cheatin’ heart tell on you? As Americans Lose trust in each other, they’re turning to tech to detect lies” (2022). TheInformation.com