1. Korneev, N.N., Shcherbakova, G.I., Kolesov, V.S., and Chemyshev, E.A., Oligoorganoelementoxanes—Novel Compounds for the Fabrication of Composite Materials, XIV Mendeleevskii s”ezd, sektsiya 2: “Novye konstruktsionnye i funktsional’nye materialy” (XIV Mendeleev Meet, Symp. 2: Novel Structural and Functional Materials), Moscow: Nauka, 1989.
2. Korneev, N.N., Shcherbakova, G.I., Kolesov, V.S., and Sakharovskaya, G.B., Organoalumoxanes and Their Derivatives—Novel Components for the Fabrication of Composite and Ceramic Materials, Moskovskaya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po kompozitam (Moscow Int. Conf. on Composites), Moscow, 1990, part 1.
3. Zakharova, I.I., Kholodnyi, V.I., Dudin, V.F., and Shcherbakova, G.I., ALYuMOKS Binder and Its Effect on the Surface Quality of Castings Produced in Ceramic Shell Molds by Investment Casting, Mezhotraslevaya konferentsiya “Upravlenie tekhnologicheskimi protsessami lit’ya i svoistvami otlivok” (Interdisciplinary Conf. Control over Casting Processes and Properties of Castings), 1990.
4. Korneev, N.N., Shcherbakova, G.I., Kolesov, V.S., and Zakharova, I.I., Corundum Ceramics Based on Alumoxane Binders, XII Vsesoyuznaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya “Konstruktsii i tekhnologiya polucheniya izdelii iz nemetallicheskikh materialov,” sektsiya Zharoprochnye keramicheskie materialy (XII All-Union Science and Technology Conf. Design and Technology of Components from Nonmetallic Materials, Symp. High-Temperature Ceramic Materials), Moscow, 1990, part 1.
5. Korneev, N.N., Shcherbakova, G.I., and Kolesov, V.S., Manufacturing of Shell Moulds for Alumoxide Ceramics Molding, VI Int. Conf. on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Kyoto, 1991, pp. 71–74.