1. V. I. Stafeev and É. I. Karakushan, Magnetodiodes (Nauka, Moscow, 1975).
2. I. M. Vikulin, L. F. Vikulina, and V. I. Stafeev, Galvanomagnetic Devices (Radio i Svyaz’, Moscow, 1983).
3. G. A. Egiazaryan and V. I. Stafeev, Magnetodiodes, Magnetotransistors, and Their Application (Radio i Svyaz’, Moscow, 1987).
4. S. A. Garyainov and Yu. S. Tikhodeev, Physical Models of Semiconductor Devices with Negative Resistance (Radio i Svyaz’, Moscow, 1997).
5. I. M. Vikulin, L. F. Vikulina, M. A. Glauberman, and Yu. A. Zaporozhchenko, Radiotekh. Élektron. (Moscow) 24, 1709 (1972).