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2. Repina, E.A. and Khristoforova, I.A., Abstracts of Papers, Dni nauki studentov IASE-2021: Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. (IASE Students’ Science Days-2021: Materials of Scientific and Practical Studies Conf.), Vladimir, 2021.
3. Patent RU 2643049 (Publ. 2018). Ustroistvo dlya polucheniya i proizvodstva fosfornoi kisloty iz dyma, poluchaemogo v protsesse goreniya v pechi (Device for Obtaining and Producing Phosphoric Acid from Smoke Generated during Combustion in a Furnace).
4. Dolgova, O.V., Matveev, A.A., and Kozachek, A.V., Vopr. Sovr. Nauki Praktiki. Univ. im. V. I. Vernadskogo (Question Modern Science and Practice. Univ. named after V.I. Vernadsky), 2022, no. 4 (86), pp. 14–21.
5. Novikova, D.A., Andreeva, A.N., Kolesnikova, T.A., and Kulikova, M.A., Abstracts of Papers, Materialy Mezhdunar. Nauch.-Prakt. Konf. (Int. Scientific and Practical Studies Conf.), Rostov-na-Donu, 2021.