1. Software Package KORSAR/GP, Software Attestation Passport No. 263 (Rostekhnadzor, 2009).
2. Software Block KARTA-V2 for Neutron Kinetics Calculation in 3D Spatial Approach, LKVSh 99.538.00.000-03 13 01, Software Description (NITI im. Aleksandrova, 2006).
3. Software Package for Neutron-Physical Calculations of VVER Type Reactors, SAP-FIR_95&RC_VVER.2 (NITI im. Aleksandrova, 2011).
4. SAPFIR_95.1 with BNAB-78/C-95 Constant Library, Software Attestation Passport No. 205 (Rostekhnadzor, 2005).
5. SAPFIR_VVR95-RC Software Package with BNAB-78/S-95 Constant Library, Software Attestation Passport No. 261 (Rostekhnadzor, 2009).