1. Prakticheskoe korablevozhdenie (Practice of Marine Navigation), Book 1, Motrokhov A.N., Ed., GUNiO MO SSSR, Moscow, 1989.
2. http://podlodka.info/education/35-technical-aids-tonavigation/403-gyro-course-detector-gku1.html
3. http://knowledge.allbest.ru/transport/3c0b65625b3-bd69b5c53b89421316c27_0.html
4. Malikov, M.F., Osnovy metrologii (Fundamentals of Metrology), Kommerpribor, Moscow, 1949.
5. GOST (State Standard) 8.017-79 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State primary standard and all-union verification schedule for means measuring excessive pressure up to 250 MPa.