1. Nye, J.F., Physical Properties of Crystals, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964. Translated under the title Fizicheskie svoistva kristallov, Moscow: Inostrannaya Literatura, 1967.
2. Handbook of Physical Constants, Clarke, S.P., Jr., Ed., New York: Geological Society of America, 1966. Translated under the title Spravochnik fizicheskikh konstant gornykh porod, Moscow: Mir, 1969.
3. Filatov, S.K., Vysokotemperaturnaya kristallokhimiya: Teoriya, metody i rezul’taty issledovanii (High-Temperature Crystal Chemistry: Theory, Methods, and Results of Investigations), Leningrad: Nedra, 1990 [in Russian].
4. Shubnikov, A.V., On Some Features in Thermal Deformation of Crystals, Kristallografiya, 1956, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 95–104 [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. (Engl. transl.), 1956, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 71–78].
5. Bokii, G.B. and Porai-Koshits, M.A., Prakticheskii kurs rentgenostrukturnogo analiza (A Practical Course of X-Ray Diffraction Analysis), Moscow: Moscow State University, 1985 [in Russian].