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2. Girsova, M.A., Antropova, T.V., and Kurilenko, L.N., Silicate materials with plasmon structures based on porous glasses, in Tezisy dokladov XIV Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii “Naukoemkie khimicheskie tekhnologii-2012” (Abstracts of Papers of the XIV International Scientific and Technical Conference “Science-Intensive Chemical Technologies-2012,” Tula, Russia, May 21–25, 2012), Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, 2012, p. 287.
3. Mazurin, O.V., Roskova, G.P., Aver’yanov, V.I., and Antropova, T.V., Dvukhfaznye stekla: Struktura, svoistva, primenenie (Two-Phase Glasses: Structure, Properties, and Application), Leningrad: Nauka, 1991.
4. Antropova, T.V., Physicochemical processes of preparation of porous glasses and high-silica materials based on phase-separated alkali borosilicate systems, Doctoral Dissertation in Chemistry, St. Petersburg, 2005.
5. Antropova, T.V. and Anfimova, I.N., Fiziko-khimicheskie issledovaniya po tekhnologii stekla i sitallov (Physicochemical Investigations on Technology of Glass and Glass Ceramics), Moscow: JSC Institute of Glass, 1984, pp. 85–89.