1. A. F. Kolesnikov, A. N. Gordeev, and V. I. Sakharov, “Flow and Heat Transfer in Supersonic Air-Plasma Jets; an Experiment on the HF PLasmatron and Numerical Simulation,” in: All-Russian Workshop “Aerophysics and Physical Mechanics in Classical and Quantum Systems. AFM-2007” [in Russian] (Institute for Problems inMechanics, Moscow, 2007), p. 23.
2. A. N. Gordeev, A. F. Kolesnikov, and V. I. Sakharov, “Flow and Heat Transfer in Underexpanded Nonequilibrium Jets of an Induction Plasmatron,” Fluid Dynamics 46 (4), 623 (2011).
3. A. F. Kolesnikov, A. N. Gordeev, and V. I. Sakharov, “Heat Transfer in Underexpanded Nonequilibrium Carbon-Dioxide Jets: Experiment on Induction Plasmatron, Numerical Simulation, and Extrapolation to the Conditions of the Entry into the Martian Atmosphere,” in: Physico-Chemical Kinetics in Gas Dynamics. Vol. 15. Issue 4 [in Russian] (See also: http://chemphys.edu.ru/issues/2014-15-4/articles/238/).
4. A. N. Gordeev, A. F. Kolesnikov, and V. I. Sakharov, “Flow and Heat Transfer in Underexpanded Nonequilibrium Carbon Dioxide Jets: Experiment and Numerical Modeling,” Teplofiz. Vys. Temp. 53, 284 (2015).
5. A. F. Kolesnikov, A. N. Gordeev, S. A. Vasil’evskii, and V. I. Sakharov, “Heat Transfer in Nonequilibrium Dissociated-Nitrogen Jets: Experiment on HF Plasmatron and Numerical Simulation,” in: Physico-Chemical KInetics in Gas Dynamics. Vol. 17. Issue 2 [in Russian] (See also: http://chemphys.edu.ru/issues/2016-17-2/articles/637/).