1. L. Allen and J. H. Eberly, Optical Resonance and Two-Level Atoms (Dover, New York, 1987; Mir, Moscow, 1978).
2. J. D. Macomber, The Dynamics of Spectroscopic Transitions (Wiley, New York, 1976; Mir, Moscow, 1978).
3. A. Yariv, Quantum Electronics (Wiley, New York, 1975; Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1980).
4. P. A. Apanasevich, Basics of the Theory of Interaction of Light with Matter (Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk, 1977) [in Russian].
5. P. G. Kryukov and V. S. Letokhov, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 99(2), 169 (1969).