1. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 6: Fluid Mechanics (Nauka, Moscow, 1986; Pergamon, New York, 1987).
2. K. A. Naugol’nykh, Doctoral Dissertation in Physics and Mathematics (Moscow, 1971).
3. A Handbook on Technical Acoustics, Ed. by M. Hockle and H. A. Muller (Sudostroenie, Leningrad, 1980) [in Russian].
4. E. Skudrzyk, The Foundations of Acoustics (Springer, Wien, New York, 1971; Mir, Moscow, 1976), Vol. 1.
5. B. M. Dorofeev and N. A. Poddubnaya, High Temp. 34, 900 (1996).