1. Superdeep Boreholes in Russia and in Surrounded Regions, Ed. by E. B. Nalivkina and B. N. Khakhaev (A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, St. Petersburg, 1995) [in Russian].
2. V. G. Zagorodnyi, D. D. Mirskaya, and S. N. Suslova, Geological Structure of Pechenga Volcanogenic-Sedimentary Series (Nauka, Moscow-Leningrad, 1964) [in Russian].
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4. Kola Superdeep Borehole. Scientific Results and Research Experience, Ed. by V. P. Orlov and N. P. Laverov (Tekhnoneftegaz, Moscow, 1998) [in Russian].
5. F. F. Gorbatsevich, Acoustic Polaroscopy for Rocks (Kola Scientific Center RAS, Apatity, 1995) [in Russian].