1. A. N. Didenko, V. P. Grigor’ev, and Yu. P. Usov, High-Power Electronic Beams and Their Applications (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1977) [in Russian].
2. A. A. Rukhadze, L. S. Bogdankevich, S. E. Rosinskii, et al., Physics of High-Current Relativistic Electron Beams (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1980) [in Russian].
3. R. B. Miller, Introduction to the Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams (Plenum, New York, 1982; Mir, Moscow, 1984).
4. J. D. Lawson, The Physics of Charged-Particle Beams (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977; Mir, Moscow, 1980).
5. R. C. Davidson, Theory of Nonneutral Plasmas (Benjamin, New York, 1974; Mir, Moscow, 1978).