1. E. R. Priest, Solar Magnetohydrodynamics (D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 1982).
2. M. J. Aschwanden, Physics of the Solar Corona: An Introduction (Chichester, UK: Praxis, 2004).
3. K. V. Brushlinskii, N. I. Gerlakh and A. I. Morozov, Mehanika Zhidkostei i Gazov 2, 189 (1966).
4. L. M. Alekseeva and L. S. Soloviev, Prikladnaja Matematika iMehanika 28, 987 (1964).
5. A. I. Morozov and L. S. Soloviev in Voprosi teorii plazmi (Reviews of Plasma Physics), Ed. by M. A. Leontovich (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1974), p. 3 [in Russian].