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2. V. A. Andreev, E. A. Ivanov, D. S. Ilyin, S. N. Kovalenko, A. G. Krivshich, A. V. Nadtochy, and V. V. Runov, Izv. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Fiz. 72(7), 1059 (2008) [Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci.: Phys. 72 (7), 1001 (2008)].
3. V. A. Andreev, G. A. Ganzha, E. A. Ivanov, D. S. Ilyin, S. N. Kovalenko, A. G. Krivshich, A. V. Nadtochy, and V. V. Runov, Preprint No. 2780, PIYaF (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningradskaya oblast, Russia, 2008).