1. L. Mandelkern, Crystallization of Polymers (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2004; Khimiya, Moscow, 1966).
2. Ph. H. Geil, Polymer Single Crystals (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1963).
3. V. A. Marikhin and L. P. Myasnikova, Supramolecular Structure of Polymers (Khimiya, Leningrad, 1977) [in Russian].
4. S. Ya. Frenkel and G. K. Elyashevich, in Orientation Phenomena in Polymer Solutions and Melts (Khimiya, Moscow, 1980), p. 9 [in Russian].
5. V. A. Marikhin and L. P. Myasnikova, in Oriented Polymer Materials, Ed. by S. Fakirov (Huthig and Wepf, Heidelberg, 1996).