1. V. Golovatyuk, V. Kekelidze, V. Kolesnikov, D. Madigozhin, Yu. Murin, V. Nikitin, and O. Rogachevsky, The MultiPurpose Detector—MPD to Study Heavy Ion Collisions at NICA, Conceptual Design Report (v. 1.4) (Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR, 2008).
2. A. Averyanov, A. Bazhazhin, et al., Time Projection Chamber for Multi-Purpose Detector at NICA, Technical Design Report (rev. 07) (Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR, 2018).
3. MpdRoot—Offline Software Framework for Simulation, Reconstruction and Physics Analyses of the Simulated or Experimental Data for MPD experiment. http://mpdroot.jinr.ru.
4. VGM—Geometry Conversation Tool between Geant4 VMC and ROOT TGeo Geometry Models. https://github.com/vmc-project/vgm.
5. Blender—Free 3D Creation Software. Supports Plugin for Exporting glTF Format. https://www.blender.org.