1. A. N. Zelikman, O. E. Krein, and G. V. Samsonov, Metallurgy of Rare Metals (Metallurgiya, Moscow, 1978).
2. B. G. Trusov, TERRA Software Package for Simulating the Phase and Chemical Equilibria in Plasma-Chemical Systems, http://main.isuct.ru/files/konf/ISTAPC2005/proc/2-11.pdf
3. M. I Gasik and N. P. Lyakishev, Theory and Technology of the Electrometallurgy of Ferroalloys: Tutorial for Institutes of Higher Education (Intermet Inzhiniring, 1999).
4. Price List of OOO DrobMet for Ferroalloys of 26.12.2012, http://drobmet.ru/d/37858/d/prays_ferrosplavy_drobmet_121007.doc