1. T. S. Luk’yanova and A. D. Trukhnii, “Selecting the Parameters and Carrying Out Design Calculations of Three-Loop Combined-Cycle Plants Equipped with a Vacuum Deaerator and Steam Reheat System,” Therm. Eng., No. 3, 255 (2011).
2. A. G. Kostyuk, V. V. Frolov, A. E. Bulkin, and A. D. Trukhnii, The Turbines for Thermal and Nuclear Power Stations: A Handbook for Higher Schools, a revised and extended 2nd ed. (MEI, Moscow, 2001) [in Russian].
3. T. S. Luk’yanova and A. D. Trukhnii, “An Investigation of the Effects of Separating Pressure on the Efficiency and the Reliability of Three-Circuit Combined-Cycle Power Plants with Steam Reheating,” Therm. Eng., No. 4, 332 (2012).