1. The Energy Strategy of Russia for the Period Up to 2020. Approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2003.
2. Decree of President of the Russian Federation “Main Lines of the Energy Policy and Restructuring of the Russian Federation’s Energy Complex for the Period Up to 2010” No. 472 of May 7, 1995.
3. The Concept for Participation of OAO Gazprom in Furnishing Gas Services to Regions of the Russian Federation. Approved on August 21, 2003 (OOO Strakhovoe Revyu, Moscow, 2004).
4. “The Fuel-and-Energy Complex of the Siberian Federal District,” A Supplement to MINTOP, No. 1, 2–14 (2007).
5. The Program of Establishing a Unified System for Production Transportation, and Supply of Natural Gas in Eastern Siberia and the Far East Taking into Account Possible Export of Natural Gas to Markets of China and other Countries of the Asian-Pacific Region. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Industry and Power of the Russian Federation No. 340 of September 3, 2007.