1. E. E. Shpil’rain, S. P. Malyshenko, and G. G. Kuleshov, Introduction to Hydrogen Power Engineering (Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1984) [in Russian].
2. S. P. Malyshenko and A. I. Schastlivtsev, “A Geothermal Installation with Hydrogen-Oxygen Steam Superheating for Producing Electric Energy,” RF Patent for Useful Model No. 84467, dated January 21, 2009.
3. M. A. Styrikovich, V. A. Legasov, E. E. Shpil’rain, and S. P. Malyshenko, Main Problems of Hydrogen Power Engineering: A Report of the Soviet Union Academy of Science’s Commission on Hydrogen Power Engineering (IVTAN, Moscow, 1978) [in Russian].
4. D. E. Wright, A. D. Lucci, J. Campbell, and J. C. Lee, Hydrogen Turbine Power Conversion System Assessment, NASA-CR 135298, 1978.
5. H. Wojkowsky, W. Schnurberger, and H. J. Sternfeld, Evaluation of Attainable Efficiencies and for Generation of Electricity from Hydrogen. Commission of the European Community. Contract No. 404-78-7 EHD. Repord EUR 7529 DE, 1981.