1. A. Stodola, “Leistungveresuch an einer Gleichdruck — Gasturbine der AG Brown Boveri,” Brown Boveri Mitt., No. 4 (1940).
2. L. D. Frenkel’, “LMZ gas turbine units for power plants,” Energomashinostroenie, No. 2 (1960).
3. G. G. Ol’khovskii and G. I. Shuvalov, “Results of testing a GT-12-3-type gas turbine unit installed at the Shatskaya station of Podzemgaz,” Teploenergetika, No. 10, 17–22 (1959).
4. Gas Turbine World, 2019 Performance Specs, 35th ed. (Pequot, Fairfield, Conn., 2019).
5. Cutting-Edge High-Capacity Gas Turbines for 50 Hz Power Generation Incorporating State-of-the-Art Technologies. https://power.mhi.com/products/gasturbines/ lineup/m701j