1. Rules for the Technical Operation of Power Plants and Networks of the Russian Federation (DEAN, St. Petersburg, 2004) [in Russian].
2. STO 70238424.27.100.013-2009. Water Treatment Units and Water Chemistry of Thermal Power Plants. Design Conditions. Standards and Requirements (Vseross. Teplotekh. Inst., Moscow, 2009).
3. EN 12952-12:2003. Water-Tube Boilers and Auxiliary Installation. Part 12: Requirement for Boiler Feed Water and Boiler Water Quality (CEN, Brussels, 2003).
4. VGB-Standard. Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants, 3rd ed. (VGB Power Tech, Essen, 2011).
5. Proc. Int. Water Conf., 46th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 4–7,1985(Eng. Soc. West. Pa., Pittsburgh, PA, 1985). https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/ 11613116/the-international-water-conference-eswp