1. P. P. Ewald, Phys. Z. 14, 465 (1913); 14, 1038 (1913); Z. Kristallogr. 56, 129 (1921).
2. C. G. Darwin, Philos. Mag. 27, 315 (1914); 27, 675 26. (1914); 43, 800 (1922).
3. M. von Laue, Sitzungsber. — Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. Kl., 303 (1912).
4. R. W. James, The Optical Principles of the Diffraction of X-rays (Bell, London, 1950; Inostrannaya Literatura, Moscow, 1950).
5. Z. G. Pinsker, X-ray Crystal Optics (Nauka, Moscow, 1982).