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3. V. I. Arnold, “Topological Classification of Trigonometric Polynomials Related to the Affine Coxeter Group à 2,” Tr. Mat. Inst. im. V.A. Steklova, Ross. Akad. Nauk 258, 7–16 (2007) [Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 258, 3–12 (2007)].
4. V. Arnold, “Topological Classification of Real Trigonometric Polynomials and Cyclic Serpents Polyhedron,” in The Arnold-Gelfand Mathematical Seminars: Geometry and Singularity Theory (Birkhäuser, Boston, 1997), pp. 101–106.
5. V. I. Arnol’d, “Statistics and Classification of Topologies of Periodic Functions and Trigonometric Polynomials,” Tr. Inst. Mat. Mekh., Ural. Otd. Ross. Akad. Nauk 12(1), 15–24 (2006) [Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., Suppl. 1, S13–S23 (2006)].