Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Reference6 articles.
1. P. G. Ciarlet and P. A. Raviart, “General Lagrange and Hermite interpolation in R
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3. Yu. N. Subbotin, “The dependence of estimates of a multidimensional piecewise-polynomial approximation on the geometric characteristics of a triangulation,” Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 4, 135–159 (1990).
4. N. V. Baidakova, “Influence of smoothness on the error of approximation of derivatives under local interpolation on triangulations,” Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 277 (Suppl. 1), S33–S47 (2012).
5. J. Brandts, A. Hannukainen, S. Korotov, and M. Krizek, “On angle conditions in the finite element method,” SeMA J., No. 56, 81–95 (2011).