Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Reference99 articles.
1. B. Berndtsson, “The openness conjecture and complex Brunn–Minkowski inequalities,” in Complex Geometry and Dynamics: The Abel Symposium 2013 (Springer, Cham, 2015), Abel Symp. 10, pp. 29–44.
2. B. Berndtsson and M. Păun, “Bergman kernels and the pseudoeffectivity of relative canonical bundles,” Duke Math. J. 145 (2), 341–378 (2008).
3. B. Berndtsson and M. Păun, “Bergman kernels and subadjunction,” arXiv: 1002.4145v1 [math.AG].
4. M. Blel and S. K. Mimouni, “Singularité et intégrabilité des fonctions plurisousharmoniques,” Ann. Inst. Fourier 55 (2), 319–351 (2005).
5. Z. Błocki, “On the Ohsawa–Takegoshi extension theorem,” Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 50, 53–61 (2012).