1. A. Ishimaru, Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media (Academic, New York, 1978), Vol. 1.1.
2. Scattering and Localization of Classical Waves in Random Media, Ed. by P. Sheng (World Scientific, Singapore, 1990).
3. Mesoscopic Phenomena in Solids, Ed. by B. L. Altshuller, P. A. Lee, and R. A. Webb (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991).
4. P. Sheng, Introduction to Wave Scattering, Localization, and Mesoscopic Phenomena (Academic, San Diego, 1995).
5. Optical Properties of Photonic Structures: Interplay of Order and Disorder, Ed. by M. F. Limonov and R. M. De La Rue (Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, 2012).