Life Cycle Characteristics and Distribution of Giant Grenadier Coryphaenoides pectoralis (Macrouridae) in Northwest Bering Sea


Alferof A. I.,Kurnosov D. S.


Abstract The outcomes from the survey research in distribution of the giant grenadier Coryphaenoides pectoralis at different stages of development in the Northwest Bering Sea over 1963–2020 have been reported. The data for 37 thousand catches performed with the bottom and multi-depth trawls at the depths between 0–1200 m are processed. It has been revealed that the species fish tend to spawn throughout the year, with two periods of peak spawning activity in the second half of a spring season and from the late summer season to the first half of an autumn season. The female fish ready to spawn migrate down the water column, keeping deeper than 600 m, where the males ready to spawn are concentrated. After spawning, they come back to the feeding areas of less water depths. The juvenile giant grenadier less than 30 cm in length can be encountered in the mesopaelagic and upper bathypelagic zones, which do not appear to form dense aggregations. The majority of the specimens less than 30–40 cm in length and smaller commonly leave this water column layer to occupy the bottom water layers along the continental shelf. Such differentiation between the juvenils and the sexually mature specimens can provide the opportunity to avoid cannibalism and to use the habitat food sources efficiently.


Pleiades Publishing Ltd

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