Ecogeographic Units and Management Units of Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta of the Amur Zoogeographic Province


Zhivotovsky L. A.,Podorozhnyuk E. V.,Kulbachnyi S. E.,Shitova M. V.,Rakitskaya T. A.,Nikiforov A. I.,Rubtsova G. A.,Afanasyev K. I.


Abstract Using the example of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta in the Amur zoogeographic province, we review the principle of subdividing the species into population groups. On the basis of zoogeographic zoning and biological boundaries of chum salmon groups defined by the spawning areas, taking into account the distribution, migration, and reproduction, as well as estimates of their differentiation using microsatellite DNA markers, we identified eight ecogeographic units in the Amur province. In the Amur zoogeographic region of this province, these included the summer chum salmon of the Amur-Amgun ecoregion and the autumn chum salmon of the Lower Amur (Amur-Amgun and Amur-Ussuri ecoregions); in the Shantar zoogeographic region of the province, the Uda-Tugur and Ulban groups; in the Sakhalin part of the Amur province, groups from the northwestern and northeastern Sakhalin, as well as summer and autumn chum salmon from the Poronai River. These ecogeographic units can be considered as basic spawning management units of chum salmon for this part of the species distribution range.


Pleiades Publishing Ltd


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,Aquatic Science

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