1. A. L. Gonor and G. G. Chernyi, “Bodies of Minimum Drag at High Supersonic Velocities,” Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otd. tekh. nauk, No. 7, 89–93 (1957) [in Russian].
2. A. N. Kraiko, Theoretical Gas Dynamics: Classics and Topics (Torus Press, Moscow, 2010), 440 p. [in Russian].
3. I. Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Philsophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica) / Translated from the Latin by E. Motta, 1793; revised ed. by F. Cajori (University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1947), 333–334, 657–661.
4. A. J. Eggers, Jr., M. M. Resnikoff, and D. H. Dennis, Bodies of Revolution Having Minimum Drag at High Supersonic Airspeeds, Report No. 1306 (NACA, 1957).
5. G. G. Chernyi and A. L. Gonor, “Nonslender Shapes of Minimum Pressure Drag,” in: Theory of Optimum Aerodynamic Shapes / Ed. by A. Miele (Acad. Press, N.Y.; L., 1965), 373–385.