1. B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, Combustion, Flame, and Explosions of Gases (New York, 1961).
2. V. K. Baev and V. A. Yasakov, “Stability of a Diffusion Flame in Single and Mixed Jets,” Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva 11 (2), 163–177 (1975) [Combust., Expl., Shock Waves 11 (2), 143–154 (1975)].
3. V. K. Baev and A. N. Bazhaikin, “Refining the Criterial Description of Flame Stabilization during Gas Jet Combustion,” Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva 50 (2), 3–8 (2014) [Combust., Expl., Shock Waves 50 (2), 125–129 (2014)].
4. V. K. Baev and P. K. Tret’yakov, “Characteristic Times of Burning Fuel–Air Mixtures,” Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva 4 (3), 367–376 (1968) [Combust., Expl., ShockWaves 4 (3), 208–214 (1968)].
5. M. A. Styrikovich, K. Ya. Katkovskaya, and E. P. Serov, Boiler Units (GEI, Moscow–Leningrad, 1959) [in Russian].