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2. A. A. Korzhavin, V. A. Bunev, I. G. Namyatov, and V. S. Babkin, “Flame Spread Over Liquid Fuel Films on Metallic Substrates,” Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva 36 (3), 25–30 (2000) [Combust., Expl., Shock Waves 36 (3), 304-309 (2000)].
3. I.G. Namyatov, S. C. Minaev, V. S. Babkin, V. A. Bunev, and A. A. Korzhavin, “Diffusion Combustion of a Liquid Fuel Film on a Metal Substrate,” Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva 36 (5), 12–21 (2000) [Combust., Expl., Shock Waves 36 (5), 562–570 (2000)].
4. A. A. Korzhavin, V. A. Bunev, I. G. Namyatov, and V. S. Babkin, “Spin Regime of Gas-Phase Combustion of Condensed Fuel,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk 375 (3), 355–357 (2000).
5. A. A. Korzhavin, V. A. Bunev, Namyatov I. G., Minaev S. S., Babkin V. S. “Combustion Regimes of Liquid Fuel Film on Thermally thin Metallic Substrate,” in Fire and Explosion Hazard: Proc.of the Third International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Ed. by D. Bradley, D. Drysdale, and G. Makhviladze (Centre for Research in Fire and Explosion Studies, Univ.of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 2001), pp. 379–388.