1. B. P. Aduev, G. M. Belokurov, D. R. Nurmukhametov, and N. V. Nelyubina, “Photosensitive Material Based on PETN Mixtures with Aluminum Nanoparticles,” Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva 48 (3), 127–132 (2012)
2. B. P. Aduev, G. M. Belokurov, D. R. Nurmukhametov, and N. V. Nelyubina, Combust., Expl., Shock Waves 48 (3), 361–366 (2012).
3. B. P. Aduev, D. R. Nurmukhametov, V. P. Tsipilev, and R. I. Furega, “Effect of Ultrafine Al–C Particle Additives on the PETN Sensitivity to Radiation Exposure,” Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva 49 (2), 102–105 (2013)
4. B. P. Aduev, D. R. Nurmukhametov, V. P. Tsipilev, and R. I. Furega, Combust., Expl., Shock Waves 49 (2), 215–218 (2013).
5. B. P. Aduev, D. R. Nurmukhametov, R. I. Furega, “Investigation of the Threshold Explosive Decomposition of PETN with Additives Aluminum Nanoparticles under Laser Irradiation of Different Wavelengths,” Izv. Vyssh. Ucebn. Zaved., Fiz., No. 11/3, 137–138 (2012).