1. Geological Map of the Amur and Adjacent Regions, Scale 1: 2500000 (VSEGEI St. Petersburg, 1999) [in Russian].
2. S. M. Braginskii, Geological Map of the USSR, Scale 1: 200 000. Uda Series. Sheet N-53-XIII (VSEGEI, Leningrad, 1974) [in Russian].
3. L. M. Parfenov, L. I. Popeko, and O. Tomurtogoo, Tikhookean. Geol. 18(5), 24–43 (1999).
4. Resolutions of the 4th Interdepartmental Regional Stratigraphic Meeting on the Precambrian and Phanerzoic of the Far East and Eastern Transbaikal Regions (Khabarovsk, 1990) [in Russian].
5. S. R. Taylor and S. M. McLennan, The Continental Crust: Its Composition and Evolution (Sci. Publ. Blackwell, Oxford, 1985).