1. Alekseev, A.P. and Istoshin, B.V., Some Results of Oceanographic Studies in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas, Sovetskie rybohozyaistvennye issledovaniya v moryah Evropeiskogo Severa (Soviet Commercial Fishery Investigations in Northern European Seas, Moscow, 1960 (cited after Vinogradov, [7]).
2. Atlas okeanov. Atlanticheskii i Indiiskii okeany (Atlas of Oceans. The Atlantic and Indian Oceans), Ministry of Defense of the USSR. USSR Navy, 1977.
3. Atlas okeanov. Severnyi Ledovityi okean (Atlas of Oceans. The Northern Ocean). Ministry of Defense of the USSR. USSR Navy, 1980.
4. Brodskii, K.A., Life in the Water Column of the Polar Basin, Priroda, 1956, no. 5 (cited after Vinogradov, [7]).
5. Brodskii, K.A., Fauna of Copepods (Calanoida) and Zoogeographic Zonation of the Northern Pacific and Adjacent Waters, Moscow; Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo AN SSSR, 1957.