1. V. P. Ipatov, Yu. M. Kazarinov, Yu. A. Kolomenskii, and Yu. D. Ul’yanitskii, Search, Detection and Measurement of Parameters of Signals in Radio Navigational Systems (Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1975) [in Russian].
2. L. E. Varakin, Communications Systems with Noise-Like Signals (Radio i Svyaz’, Moscow, 1985) [in Russian].
3. R. C. Dixon, Spread Spectrum Systems (Wiley, New York, 1984, 2nd ed.; Svyaz’, Moscow, 1979).
4. Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, Ed. by E. D. Kaplan and C. J. Hegarty (Artech House, Boston, 2006).
5. GLONASS. Principles of Construction and Functioning, Ed. by A. I. Perov and V. N. Kharisov (Radiotekhnika, Moscow, 2010) [in Russian].