1. Wasserman, F., Neurocomputer Technology. Translated under the title Neirokomp’yuternaya tekhnika, Moscow: Mir, 1992.
2. Artificial Neural Networks: Concepts and Theory, IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1992.
3. Acheroy, M. and Gradjean, S., METEOSTAT Image Compression Using the Wavelet Transform ESA Contract Final Report 10031/92/D/IM, Belgium: Royal Military Academy, 1994. ftp:ftp.elec.rma.ac.be/user/jma/finrepl.ps.gz.
4. Science and Education. Information on Neural Networks, http://www.91.ru (Education).
5. Max, J. Methods et techniques de traitment du signal et application aux mesures physiques (in two volumes), Paris: Masson, 1981. Translated under the title Metody i tekhnika obrabotki signalov pri fizicheskikh izmereniyakh, Moscow: Mir, 1983.