1. Handbook of Nondestructive Testing. Chapter 10: Acoustic Emission Testing, Metal Park, Ohio: American Society for Metals, 1987.
2. Cole, Ph.T. and Gautrey, S.N., Development of the Tankpac™ AE Tank Floor Corrosion Test, NDT.net, 2002, vol. 7, no. 9.
3. Starr, J.W. and Maresca, J.W., An Engineering Evaluation of Acoustic Methods of Leak Detection in Above Ground Storage Tanks, API 322, 1994.
4. Eckert and Maresca, J.W., An Engineering Assessment of Acoustic Methods of Leak Detection in Above Ground Storage Tanks, API 307, 1992.
5. A Guide to Leak Detection for Aboveground Storage Tanks, API Publication, 334, First Ed.