1. Agrochemical Analysis of Soils (Nauka, Moscow, 1975) [in Russian].
2. S. A. Barber, Soil Nutrient Bioavailability: A Mechanistic Approach (Wiley, New York, 1984; Agropromizdat, Moscow, 1988).
3. K. E. Ginzburg, “The role of sesquioxides and humates in the sorption of phosphorus by the soils,” Tr. Pochv. Inst. im. V.V. Dokuchaeva 55, 239–271 (1960).
4. K. E. Ginzburg, “The potential buffer capacity of soils in relation to phosphorous,” in Agrochemical Analysis of Soils (Nauka, Moscow, 1975), pp. 174–175.
5. K. E. Ginzburg, “Phosphorous sorption by hydrates of iron and aluminum oxides and soils,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 126(3), (1959).