Beyond the Kuramoto-Zel’dovich theory: Steadily rotating concave spiral waves and their relation to the echo phenomenon


Mornev O. A.,Tsyganov I. M.,Aslanidi O. V.,Tsyganov M. A.


Pleiades Publishing Ltd


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)

Reference20 articles.

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1. (INVITED) Reaction–diffusion waves in cardiovascular diseases;Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena;2019-12

2. Autowave Self-Organization in the Folding of Proteins;Moscow University Physics Bulletin;2019-05

3. Nonlinear Concave Spiral Autowaves in Active Media, Transferring Energy, Their Application in Biology and Medicine;Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics;2018-06-14

4. Nonlinear concave spiral autowaves and their applications;Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics;2018-01

5. Adjoint eigenfunctions of temporally recurrent single-spiral solutions in a simple model of atrial fibrillation;Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science;2016-09







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