1. V.A. Mukhin and N.N. Mezentseva, Ozone-safe working substances for heat pumps, in: Proc. VIII All-Russ. Conf. “Power Engineering: Ecology, Reliability, Safety”, Tomsk, 2002, P. 115–117.
2. N.N. Mezentseva, Working substances for heat pumps, in: Abstr. VII All-Russ. Sch.-Conf. Young Scientists, “Actual Problems of Thermophysics and Hydrogasdynamics”, Novosibirsk, 2002, P. 200–201.
3. N.N. Mezentseva, Working substances for compression heat pumps, in: Proc. XVI Sch.-Sem. Young Scientists and Specialists under supervision of Academician of RAS A.I. Leontiev “Problems of Gasdynamics of Heat and Mass Transfer in Power Plants”, St.Petersburg, MPEI, Moscow, 2007, Vol. 2, P. 292–294.
4. N.N. Mezentseva, Refrigerants for compressions heat pumps, in: Abstr. All-Russ. Sch.-Sem. Young Scientists “Physics of Unequil. Process. in Power Engng. and Nanoindustry”, Novosibirsk, 2007, P. 89–90.
5. N.N. Mezentseva and L.A. Ogurechnikov, Non-azeotropic mixtures in heat pumps, Alternative Power Engineering and Ecology, 2008, No. 7, P. 110–115.