1. T. A. Kontorova and Ya. J. Frenkel’, “On the theory of plastic deformation and twinning I,” Sov. JETP, 8, 89–97 (1938)
2. T. A. Kontorova and Ya. J. Frenkel’,“On the theory of plastic deformation and twinning II,” Sov. JETP, 8, 1340–1348 (1938)
3. T. A. Kontorova and Ya. J. Frenkel’,“On the theory of plastic deformation and twinning III,” Sov. JETP, 8, 1349–1358 (1938).
4. C. A. Wert and R. M. Thomson, Physics of Solids, McGraw-Hill, New York (1970).
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