1. A. I. Lur’e and V. N. Postnikov, “On the theory of stability of control system,” Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 8, 246–248 (1944).
2. M. A. Aizerman, “On a problem concerning the stability "in the large” of dynamical systems,” Usp. Mat. Nauk 4, 186–188 (1949).
3. V. A. Pliss, “On the Aizerman’s problem in the case of three simultaneous differential equations,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 121, 422–425 (1958).
4. V. A. Pliss, Some Problems of Theory of Motion Stability (Leningr. Gos. Univ., Leningrad, 1958) [in Russian].
5. R. E. Kalman, “Physical and mathematical mechanisms of instability in nonlinear automatic control systems,” Trans. ASME 79, 553–566 (1957).