1. Demidovich, B.P., Lektsii po matematicheskoi teorii ustoichivosti (Lectures on the Mathematical Theory of Stability), Moscow: Nauka, 1967.
2. Gantmakher, F.R., Teoriya matrits (Theory of Matrices), Moscow: Nauka, 1968.
3. Lankaster, P., Theory of Matrices, New York: Academic, 1969. Translated under the title Teoriya matrits, Moscow: Nauka, 1978.
4. Roitenberg, Ya.N., Avtomaticheskoe upravlenie (Automatic Control), Moscow: Nauka, 1971.
5. Marcus, M. and Minc, H., A Survey of Matrix Theory and Matrix Inequalities, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1964. Translated under the title Obzor po teorii matrits i matrichnykh neravenstv, Moscow: Nauka, 1972.